• Picture of Giraffe Soldat Of Napoleon
  • Picture of Giraffe Soldat Of Napoleon au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Belgium Mila Mertens (1764 - 1835)

Picture of Giraffe Soldat Of Napoleon


Mila Mertens was a female giraffe born on August 23, 1764, from Belgium. She died on November 11, 1835 and her main value was Equality. She arrived in France at the age of 12 to join her parents who worked there as agricultural workers. At that time, she had no idea that she would one day join Napoleon Bonaparte's army.

At 19, Mila decided to enlist in the French armies to fight alongside the First Consul and contribute to the military glory of the country. She was quickly noticed by her superiors thanks to her courage and determination, which allowed her to be promoted to Lieutenant in just a few years.

In 1809, she participated in the Battle of Wagram alongside French troops led by Napoleon Bonaparte. During the battle, Mila showed great courage and gave precise orders so that her men could carry out the fight successfully. This tireless commitment allowed the French armies to obtain a resounding victory against the Austrians. An anecdote tells that during the battle, while Mila was giving orders to her soldiers to repel the Austrian forces, a shell passed just above her without exploding; which proves that she really had divine luck!
