• Picture of Mont fuji Spring
  • Picture of Mont fuji Spring au dessus d'un meuble bas

Picture of Mont fuji Spring

Science Fiction Spring

Once upon a time, there was a magical spring on Mount Fuji. A little girl named Yuki and her mother lived in a small village at the foot of Mt. Every morning, Yuki got up early to watch the sun rise behind the majestic silhouette of Mt. One day, while Yuki was gazing at the beauty of the surroundings, she saw something that caught her eye: a brilliant blue light coming out from the top of the mountain. Intrigued by this strange sight, she decided to go on an adventure to find out more about this mysterious light.

Yuki therefore plunged into the depths of the woods surrounding the mountain and finally arrived at the gates of an ancient temple located halfway between the village and the peak of Mount Fuji. She knocked on the door and was greeted by a wise, elderly man who seemed to have been waiting for her to come for a long time. He explained to her that this blue light was actually a source of supernatural power known as "Divine Light" that had resided at the very center of Mount Fuji for thousands of years. He asks Yuki if she agrees to take part in a very important mission: to find a magical artifact known as "The Sacred Stone" so that she can release this supernatural power and thus save her village threatened by malevolent forces coming from the other neighboring villages.

Yuki gladly accepted this bold challenge and immediately began her search for the Sacred Stone. After having faced many dangers such as gigantic monsters or diabolical traps, she ends up finding The Sacred Stone at the bottom of an underground cave located at the foot of Mount Fuji! Once in possession of The Sacred Stone, Yuki was able to unleash the supernatural power contained in Mount Fuji and thus triumph over the malevolent forces that threatened his native village! This is how, thanks to her exceptional courage, Yuki became a heroine adored by all the people living around!
