• Picture of Yuanyang Terraced Fields Mystical
  • Picture of Yuanyang Terraced Fields Mystical au dessus d'un meuble bas

Picture of Yuanyang Terraced Fields Mystical

Mystical Quest

Legend has it that the Yuanyang Terraced Lands, a magical and mystical place located in Yunnan Province in China, are bathed in supernatural energy. The ancients said that a hidden treasure was guarded there by protective spirits and that only one who leads a spiritual quest can find it.

A young man named Li decided to undertake this quest and went in search of the hidden treasure. He began his journey through the rice terraces of Yuanyang, walking for days and nights tirelessly. As he began to lose hope, he heard a soft voice telling him to continue on his way. The voice seemed to come from deep within the rice fields so Li took that advice and continued on his way up the hills.

Finally after a long walk, Li reached a small temple in the middle of the rice fields where he was welcomed by an old monk who offered him a well-deserved rest as well as information on the hidden treasure he had been looking for for so long. The monk explained to him that to find the treasure, he would have to climb the steps leading to paradise which was on top of the mountain behind the temple. Once again encouraged by the soft voice, Li accepted this challenge and climbed the steps to the top where he finally found what he was looking for: a box filled with precious objects containing all the secrets of ultimate happiness.

Li savored every minute spent on the Yuanyang Terraced Lands as they had brought his wandering soul back to intense peace and happiness through his successful mystical quest!
