• Picture of Frog Sleeping
  • Picture of Frog Sleeping au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Mongolia Louie Pounce

Picture of Frog Sleeping

Sleeping Story

Louie Pounce was a little frog who lived in a pond at the edge of the forest. He loved to spend his days jumping and swimming around the reeds, hunting mosquitoes and insects for his dinner.

One day, while he was basking in the sun on a rock at the edge of the water, he saw a beautiful princess who had come to bathe in the pond. Louie was immediately charmed by her and decided to stay to see what she would do. The princess was magnificent; she wore a blue dress that shone like the stars and strode gracefully through the clear water.

Louie couldn't resist jumping out of the water to greet the princess; however, she didn't seem to notice and quietly continued her water ride. Disappointed, Louie returned to his rock to think about what he could do to get her attention. It was then that Louie had an idea: he decided to sing! He started softly with a trill then gradually increased the volume until his voice echoed all around the lake. The princess was stunned by such musical beauty and turned to the source of the song: Louie Pounce! She smiles kindly at our amphibian hero before resuming her journey towards the sunset...

And so it was that Louie Pounce spent every evening by the lake singing wonderful tunes to the admiring ears of the locals; no matter the difficulties encountered during the day, he always savored these magical moments when he could share his music with all those who were present... And little by little, carried away by this sweet melody, everyone fell into a deep and peaceful sleep...
