• Picture of Giraffe Sleeping
  • Picture of Giraffe Sleeping au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Uganda Doudou Claw

Picture of Giraffe Sleeping

Sleeping Story

Doudou Claw was a very special giraffe. She had beautiful eyes and a long neck that allowed her to reach the highest branches of trees. Every morning, she walked through the African savannah, admiring the beauty of nature and greeting her animal companions.

One day, while she was walking quietly, she heard a strange noise in the distance. Intrigued, she approached slowly to see what it was and discovered a small stream that meandered through the savannah. Doudou Claw stopped short in front of the stream and looked at his reflection in the calm and clear water. She immediately felt at peace with the world around her.

She began to drink the cool water from the stream and her fatigue gradually disappeared. The sun was already low on the horizon and Doudou Claw decided to find a place to spend the night before it got completely dark. She found a small clearing shaded by trees with sparkling green leaves and lay down there to sleep.

Birdsong accompanied her steady breathing until she gently fell into a deep sleep filled with wonderful dreams...
