• Picture of Robot Patronus
  • Picture of Robot Patronus au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Indonesia Jono Nainggolan

Picture of Robot Patronus


Jono Nainggolan was a young Indonesian wizard born in Jakarta on November 16, 1984. From an early age, Jono felt different from other children and had a fascination with magical things. When he was 11, his mother revealed to him that he was a wizard and that was the reason for his strange behavior. She then taught him everything she knew about magic and sent him to Hogwarts to learn more.

Once at Hogwarts, Jono was quickly noticed by his teachers thanks to his exceptional ability to master magic. He quickly became one of the best students in his promotion and was chosen to join the dueling club which brought together the most gifted wizards of the castle. It was with pride that Jono accepted this invitation and soon became known as the best duelist at Hogwarts.

But that's not all: Jono soon discovered that he possessed a magical force even more powerful than most wizards: he could summon a robot patronus! This special patronus depicting robots in sparkling bright colors intrigued his classmates who couldn't help but admire this impressive sight whenever Jono summoned his robot patronus to fend off Dementors or protect his friends in critical moments during the dueling lesson. .

Thanks to this unusual power, Jono has become not only the best duelist but also the essential protector of the castle whose imposing and relentless presence no one can ignore!
