• Picture of Donkey Patronus
  • Picture of Donkey Patronus au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Brazil Carla Agustina Santos

Picture of Donkey Patronus


Carla Agustina Santos was a young witch born on 03/07/2004 in Brasilia, Brazil. She had always dreamed of becoming a great witch and using her powers to help others.

One day, she decided to leave her country and go to the University of Magical Arts where she hoped to learn all the secrets of the magical world. When she arrived at the university, Carla was surprised by the number of students who were enrolled there. She felt a little intimidated but very excited at the same time.

She began taking classes in the practice and history of magic, and soon she could do simple spells like lighting a candle or transforming one object into another. But what fascinated her the most was the Patronus spell: that is, creating a protective magical being that accompanies you wherever you go. After much effort, Carla finally succeeded in producing her own patronus: it was a luminous white donkey! This ability then allowed her to feel protected whenever she had to face dangers related to her magical practice.

Over time, Carla became an excellent witch capable of accomplishing incredible things thanks to the spells she mastered perfectly and thanks to her powerful, luminous white donkey patronus who watched over her constantly!
