• Picture of Pit bull Patronus
  • Picture of Pit bull Patronus au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Sweden David Fredriksson

Picture of Pit bull Patronus


David Fredriksson was a young wizard born on March 24, 1997 in Stockholm, Sweden. He was very intelligent and curious, but had a passion for learning spells, potions, and magic.

One day, while studying in his room, David heard a voice speaking softly in his ear: "You are destined to learn the secrets of magic." Intrigued, David went to Diagon Alley where he met an old wizard who gave him a test to determine his aptitude for magic. After passing the test with flying colors, the old wizard offered him a magic wand made of acacia and filled with unicorn hair. Amazed by this unexpected gift, David could not resist the powers it contained and immediately began learning the most powerful spells.

Over time, David became an undisputed master of the magical arts; he knew every spell and potion imaginable. But despite his great expertise in black and white magic, he had not yet found his patronus – this familiar animal that accompanies every wizard during his practice of magic. One day while walking his way home from buying school supplies at Diagon Alley, David saw a stray little pit bull who seemed to be seeking refuge from the imminent danger posed by Muggles (non-magical humans). In this crucial moment when all the emotions mixed in him - afraid of the danger but voluntarily courageous -, David felt that this small pit bull would always be there to protect him against any external threat; it was then that he understood that it would be his patronus! So thanks to this little wandering pitbull, David Fredriksson not only became an undisputed master of the magical arts but also one whose patronus is Pitbull!
