• Picture of Ferrari Laferrari Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Picture of Ferrari Laferrari Leonardo Da Vinci au dessus d'un meuble bas

Picture of Ferrari Laferrari Leonardo Da Vinci


It was a beautiful sunny day in Florence, Italy. Leonardo da Vinci sat in his studio, admiring the work he had done that day. Suddenly he heard the sound of a powerful motor approaching rapidly. He looked out the window and saw a bright red Ferrari Laferrari pull up outside his door.

The driver got out of the car and introduced himself as Davis Lombardo, a wealthy Italian collector with a passion for art and technology. He explained to Leonard that for years he had been studying his inventions and how they had influenced the modern world.

Leonard was impressed by Davis's enthusiasm for his works and gladly agreed to discuss with him at greater length the advances made by new modern technologies. They spent an hour together brainstorming about the future of technology and how it could be applied to improve human life.

Before Davis left, Leonard gave his guest a small thank-you gift: a miniature of the first flywheel he had invented years earlier – which allowed men to take off into the skies for the first time! Davis warmly thanked Leonard for his generous gesture and drove off in his bright red Ferrari Laferrari shining into the sunset…
