• Picture of Dragon Mystical
  • Picture of Dragon Mystical au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Czech Republic Martina Pavlíková
(Martina Pavlikova)

Picture of Dragon Mystical

Mystical Quest

The story begins in a lost village, where a young girl named Ael lived. She dreamed of seeing the world and discovering what it had to offer her. One day, while looking at the stars, she saw a dragon flying above the village. She rushed to follow him and came to a hidden cave in the mountain.

Before she could even enter, she was stopped by a guard who asked her what she was doing there. Ael explained her story and the guard finally agreed to let her in after seeing her sincerity and her passion for the trip. Once inside, she found a large room filled with treasures - ancient weapons, shiny jewels, and magical items - all gathered around a huge dragon egg that was floating right in the center of the living room.

Fascinated by this incredible discovery, Ael tried to learn more about the egg in question and learned that it was that of the Black Dragon: a mythical creature with the power to give humans supernatural abilities if one succeeded in accomplishing certain tasks. mystics associated with his divine nature. While the people around her seemed to believe that this mission was impossible to accomplish, Ael decided to take on this challenge anyway in order to prove her worth and gain spiritual strength as she journeys towards her ultimate goal: mastering the secrets of the Black Dragon!

With courage, Ael went to explore different sacred places that allowed humans to increase their knowledge of the Black Dragon: ancient temples hidden underground; monasteries housing ancient texts; crypts filled with complex puzzles... After each place visited, she gradually accumulated the information necessary to put together the missing pieces until she finally obtained everything she needed to carry out her mission: find the Black Dragon Egg!

After several months on the road of the black dragons, Ael returned triumphant to the village with the egg under her arm. She was warmly welcomed by the inhabitants who were happy that such a brave person could accomplish such an important task. The young girl advanced towards the cave, plunged her cobalt blue gaze deeply into the egg, pronounced certain magic incantations ... and then saw the birth of a black dragon with green eyes! The dragon spread its huge black wings, blew a fiery jet...and took Ael far, far away to a better future.
