• Picture of Gorilla Mystical
  • Picture of Gorilla Mystical au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Cyprus Γαβριέλα Γεωργίου
(Gabriela Georgiou)

Picture of Gorilla Mystical

Mystical Quest

Once upon a time there was a young man named William, who lived in a small village deep in the jungle. He was considered one of the greatest adventurers in the world and had a great reputation for his courage and recklessness. His father, the village chief, had given him a mission: to find the Mystical Gorilla.

William knew it would be a difficult quest, but he was determined to make it happen. So he set off for the deep jungle where the Mystical Gorilla was. After days of travel, he finally reached the gates of the sacred sanctuary where the mystical gorillas lived. He stopped in front of the doors and made the traditional sign of respect for asking permission to enter. The guards granted his request and William entered the holy sanctuary.

Once inside, William was struck by the beauty of the place: crystalline waterfalls flowed over the surrounding rocks; exotic flowers perfumed the air; and everywhere around him, the mystical gorillas could be seen caring for each member of their community with love and respect. But despite all the beauty in front of him, William couldn't find a trace of the Mystical Gorilla he was looking for...until he heard a soft whisper coming behind his back: "I'm here".

William turned back to the direction those magic words came from and saw in front of him a beautiful white gorilla with glowing blue eyes that seemed to be looking straight into his soul. The smiling Mystical Gorilla held out his hand to William, who then understood that his quest was finally over! With gratitude and joy, he took the hand of the Mystical Gorilla who then threatened William through the sanctuary to reveal all his magical secrets...
