• Picture of Octopus Yoga
  • Picture of Octopus Yoga au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Brazil Mari Arruda Neto

Picture of Octopus Yoga

Mari Arruda Neto was a very special octopus. He enjoyed practicing yoga and training to become stronger and more flexible. Every day, he got up early and did a workout that included postures such as mountain, plank, and cobra.

The other animals lived in the ocean with Mari, but they didn't understand what he was doing. They thought it was a bit silly to do yoga when they could swim or hunt fish with their tentacles. But Mari knew that her training gave her extra strength and improved ability to move through the water.

One day, while he was doing his usual routine, the other animals saw something that surprised them: Mari managed to lift her body completely out of the water maintaining a perfect posture! Everyone was amazed! This feat was impossible for them as they lacked the strength and flexibility to pull it off. It meant that Mari had reached the next level with her diligent yoga practice!

From that day on, all the animals began to respect Mari's efforts to improve her physical performance through yoga. And every morning, Mari could be seen preparing her daily routine with diligence and determination!
