• Picture of The Great Wall of China Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Picture of The Great Wall of China Leonardo Da Vinci au dessus d'un meuble bas

Picture of The Great Wall of China Leonardo Da Vinci



It was a hot summer day in 1495 when Leonardo da Vinci traveled to the Great Wall of China to study its architectural marvels. As he walked along the ramparts, he saw a man staring at the wall. Intrigued, Leonard approached and asked the man what he was looking at so intently.

The man introduced himself as Zeng Na and explained that his family had built this part of the wall a long time ago. He then recounted how the work had been very difficult and how they had suffered daily from the freezing cold and bad weather. But despite all this, his family was proud of his work because they have protected the Chinese people for centuries.

When he heard this story, Leonardo was deeply inspired by Zeng Na's determination and ingenuity to build such an architectural masterpiece. In his mind, he then imagined how to take his art to a new level through the innovative techniques used by Zeng Na. Thus was born a great friendship between the two men which grew stronger over time as they passionately discussed their respective projects and exchanged advice on architectural and artistic construction.
