• Picture of Orangutan Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Picture of Orangutan Leonardo Da Vinci au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Israel אלדד ספרין (1426 - 1522)
(Eldad Seprin)

Picture of Orangutan Leonardo Da Vinci


Once upon a time, a great man named Leonardo da Vinci traveled through Europe. One day, while he was in Spain, he met an Orangutan named Eldad Seprin.

Leonardo was fascinated by this animal and therefore decided to bring it back with him to Italy. Once they arrived in Florence, they quickly became best friends and spent a lot of time together. Leonardo taught Eldad amazing things like music, painting and even math! They spent hours discussing Leonardo's latest inventions or admiring his artistic work.

Over time, Eldad became very intelligent and acquired great knowledge on various subjects such as history, philosophy and natural sciences. He also helped Leonardo in some scientific and technical research thanks to the observations he had made during his travels with his human friend.

Their story has remained etched in people's minds forever because it represents much more than just a friendship between a man and an animal: this special relationship is proof that all living beings can learn and share their knowledge without distinction or prejudices!
