• Picture of German shepherd Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Picture of German shepherd Leonardo Da Vinci au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Indonesia Alika Handayani (1436 - 1538)

Picture of German shepherd Leonardo Da Vinci


Leonardo da Vinci was a famous Italian painter, inventor and scientist. One day, while traveling through Italy to visit interesting places, he stopped in a small village where he met Alika Handayani, a German Shepherd.

Alika was very smart and friendly and Leonard immediately took to her. They started talking about their respective lives and Leonard was impressed with how Alika could understand other people's emotions and communicate without words. She had a calm presence that reassured Leonardo. He asked her if she would like to come to his house in Italy to be his personal pet. After a short discussion between them, Alika accepted his proposal and left with Leonardo for Milan where they had been living together since that day.

Over the years, Alika became Leonardo's favorite muse, who often used her as a model for his paintings. With her comforting presence, she helped Lecnard stay focused on his artistic work during the difficult times he was going through throughout his career. Moreover, thanks to the daily walks they took together, Leonardo's artistic inspirations would never cease. Thus, their story of friendship continues to this day.
