• Picture of Tiger Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Picture of Tiger Leonardo Da Vinci au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Peru Ana Ashley Orellana Guerrero (1447 - 1537)

Picture of Tiger Leonardo Da Vinci


Leonardo da Vinci was a well-known artist and inventor. One day, while he was walking in the woods, he heard a noise that startled him. He approached slowly and saw a beautiful tigress named Ana Ashley Orellana Guerrero. She was as tall as Leonardo and she had eyes shining like stars.

Leonard was surprised by the beauty of the tigress and couldn't help but smile in spite of himself. Ana Ashley Orellana Guerrero eyed him curiously for a few moments then turned away to continue her walk. The tigress seemed calm and peaceful, but Leonardo felt an inner strength within her that impressed him greatly.

He then decided to follow the tigress from a distance without ever scaring or disturbing her. Over time, Leonardo got to know Ana Ashley Orellana Guerrero and they became friends. They spent several hours together each day exploring the woods around them, discussing and sharing their personal stories as well as their common passions for art and invention.

Their friendship became so strong that Leonardo gave Ana Ashley Orellana Guerrero a painting he had made especially for her: a colorful depiction of the forest landscape they loved to explore together every day!
