• Picture of Zebra Yoga
  • Picture of Zebra Yoga au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Austria Dallas Heathcote

Picture of Zebra Yoga

Dallas Heathcote was a zebra who loved practicing yoga. It was a passion he had developed very early in his life. He liked to feel in tune with his body and mind, and yoga gave him that opportunity.

Every day Dallas woke up early to do a yoga session before starting her day. He found that it gave him the strength and focus needed to succeed in his daily activities. He also took pleasure in sharing his knowledge of yoga with the other animals of the savannah.

One day, when he was doing a particularly difficult pose, he was startled by a lion that walked past him, roaring loudly. Dallas couldn't suppress a small cry of surprise and backed up as quickly as possible to avoid any danger! Fortunately for him, the lion paid no attention to him and continued on his way without paying any more attention to it. Dallas then resumed his initial position and quietly finished his yoga session without being disturbed by anything else!
