• Picture of Tiger Galaxy
  • Picture of Tiger Galaxy au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Serbia Златка Буквић
(Zlatka Bukvić)

Picture of Tiger Galaxy

Zlatka Bukvić was a very curious tiger who dreamed of discovering the universe. She wanted to know the wonders hidden in the galaxy and the mysteries it could hold.

So one day she decided to go on an adventure and embark on an interstellar journey. She equipped herself with the best technologies to explore the cosmos and boarded her spaceship to begin her mission.

She traveled through unknown star systems, visiting every planet she passed and exploring every corner of the galaxy. She stopped on several different worlds, meeting aliens and learning about their cultures. She went to see incredible places she had never heard of before this trip, such as a magical forest filled with twinkling trees or a shimmering sea that reflected the stars of the night sky.

After spending several months exploring the galaxy, Zlatka finally returned home having acquired great cultural wealth and having made many unexpected scientific discoveries. Her trip was so rewarding that she couldn't help but leave soon for another intergalactic exploration!
