• Picture of Buddhist temple Ukiyo-e
  • Picture of Buddhist temple Ukiyo-e au dessus d'un meuble bas

Picture of Buddhist temple Ukiyo-e

Origin Story

Once upon a time there was a young man named Hiroshi who lived in the shadow of a large Buddhist temple. Ever since he was a child, he had always loved going to the temple to observe the monks and their religious practices. He felt very close to the spirituality and beliefs of Buddhism, but could not fully commit because his family could not afford the membership fees.

One day, while visiting the temple with his friend Keisai, he noticed that Keisai had brought an album of ukiyo-e paintings. Intrigued by what he saw, Hiroshi asked Keisai if these paintings depicted their temple. Keisai answered in the affirmative and explained that this genre of painting is known as ukiyo-e and has been very popular in Asia for centuries.

Hiroshi was fascinated by the beauty of the vivid colors and elaborate shapes on each page of the book. Each canvas telling a different story about their beloved temple. He then decided to dedicate his life to learning how to create this unique form of art in order to pay homage to Buddhist temples all over the world. Soon after, he began working with Keisai to create his own ukiyo-e that captures the magical moments spent at the Buddhist temple he once dreamed of...
