• Picture of Zebra Monochrome
  • Picture of Zebra Monochrome au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Ukraine Романченко Валерія Борисівна (1904 - 1944)
(Romanchenko Valeriya Borysivna)

Picture of Zebra Monochrome

Romanchenko Valeriya Borysivna is a young zebra woman who lives in a small village in Ukraine during World War II. She is very close to her grandfather, a former soldier in the Russian Imperial Army, and she enjoys spending her days listening to his stories and learning lessons about life.
One day, while walking near the Dnieper River, she encounters a group of Communist partisans who are fighting the German forces. They immediately recognize his inner strength and determination and ask him to join them in liberating his country. Valeriya immediately accepts and begins to take part in the battles for freedom with courage and bravery. Despite the difficulties and dangers she faces daily, she continues to firmly believe that freedom will soon be restored to her homeland.
Over the next few months, Valeriya became a national hero for her courageous exploits against the German occupiers. But sadly, this war cannot be won without sacrifice: Valeriya will ultimately lose her life in battle while protecting those she loved most - her Communist partisan friends and her grandfather.
