• Picture of Rural Mystical
  • Picture of Rural Mystical au dessus d'un meuble bas

Picture of Rural Mystical

Mystical Quest

Once upon a time there was a young man named Thomas who lived in a small rural village. He had always been fascinated by the stories told around the campfire and the mystical legends that circulated in the area. One day, he decided to go on an adventure to find out what these tales could hide.

Thomas set off through the fields and pastures, following the path that led to the wood where his final destination was: the ancient temple. After hours of walking, he arrived at the large stone gate and entered carefully. Once inside, he was immediately struck by the beauty of the place; ancient statues were scattered all over the inner courtyard and a fountain flowed through the center of the sacred space.

Thomas walked to the fountain and then noticed something extraordinary: a ruby encrusted on its rim! Intrigued, Thomas looked around but saw no one. He therefore took care to take the jewel without being seen and resumed his journey towards his birthplace. Along the way, he met several people who seemed to be looking for something but didn't know what exactly... Thomas then understood that this ruby was linked to a great mystical quest that had been talked about for so long! From then on, he knew that he was going to have to find all the other magic objects to complete his initiatory journey...
