• Picture of Humming-bird Polygon
  • Picture of Humming-bird Polygon au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Moldova Filofteia Gheorghita (2309 - 2413)

Picture of Humming-bird Polygon

Filofteia Gheorghita was a hummingbird who lived in the virtual world of metaverse and cyberspace. She loved exploring this strange and colorful world, discovering new places and meeting new people.

One day, she heard of a mysterious bright light that manifested at random times in the Metaverse. Intrigued, she decided to go looking for him. After flying for hours without success, she eventually came to a large flame-shaped tower that lit up whenever the light appeared.

She went closer to examine the structure and noticed that there was a door on the side that seemed to be locked. With her little beak, she managed to open the door and went inside. In there was a huge hall with a throne in the middle and on it sat a white-haired man dressed in glittering armor. He looked at Filofteia kindly and began to speak: "I am the King of the Metaverse and I hold my kingdom by this inestimable source of power: the Shining Light".

He then explained that if one captured this magic light, one would be able to control all the technologies of the Metaverse and even more! So, he asked Filofteia if she accepted his mission: to capture this brilliant light so that it could rule the Metaverse forever! Obviously excited by this exhilarating challenge, Filofteia happily accepted! And so began his journey to glory!
