• Picture of Octopus Polygon
  • Picture of Octopus Polygon au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Nepal Sabin Balami (2321 - 2410)

Picture of Octopus Polygon

Sabin Balami was an octopus who lived in the virtual world of cyberspace. He loved exploring the vast depths of the Internet and discovering new things. Sabin particularly enjoyed hanging out on social media and interacting with other inhabitants of the metaverse, sharing stories, jokes, information and knowledge.

One day, while browsing a popular website, Sabin saw an ad that offered a special mission for an octopus with his skills. Intrigued by this unexpected opportunity, he immediately contacted the person who had posted the announcement and accepted his mission: to find the source code of a mysterious program known as "The Machine".

Sabin knew it wouldn't be easy because The Machine was very well protected by several layers of complex and sophisticated software. But thanks to his superior intelligence and his ability to quickly analyze complicated data, he was able to break through all the layers of protection until he reached the source code hidden at the heart of the program. Once he had discovered the source code, he was then able to modify certain parts of the program in order to create a secret door to another virtual world even more amazing than the one he had visited until then.

Thus began Sabin Balami's incredible adventure in this new digital world where he met many other intelligent beings, some of whom possess supernatural abilities...
