• Picture of Crocodile Polygon
  • Picture of Crocodile Polygon au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau South Korea 정희원 (2337 - 2412)
(Jeong Hee-won)

Picture of Crocodile Polygon

Jeong Hee-won was a crocodile who lived in the virtual world of metaverse and cyberspace. It had been created by hackers using sophisticated computer programs to be able to navigate the digital world freely. The original goal was to create a form of entertainment, but Jeong Hee-won quickly revealed himself to be much more than that.

As soon as he began to explore the metaverse and cyberspace, Jeong Hee-won discovered endless possibilities and set out to learn all he could about the complex computer systems that powered this virtual world. He quickly became very skilled in computer engineering and was able to use his skills to further enhance his knowledge of the metaverse and cyberspace.

Over time, Jeong Hee-won became a well-respected figure within the virtual world as he had developed a large number of tools that allowed other inhabitants of the metaverse and cyberspace to explore the uncharted depths of the cyberworld. His work has earned him a lot of recognition and he is often invited to give conferences where he shares his unique knowledge of emerging technologies related to cyberspace.

Nowadays, Jeong Hee-Won still continues to explore the unexplored mysteries of the metaverse as a recognized leader among the virtual hacker community. With his invaluable technical expertise, he helps people understand a little more about the incredible potential offered by cyberspace every day and actively contributes to future technological development.
