• Picture of Elephant Polygon
  • Picture of Elephant Polygon au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Spain Pedro Balderas (2318 - 2402)

Picture of Elephant Polygon

Pedro Balderas was an elephant who lived in the virtual world of metaverse and cyberspace. It had been created by a group of scientists who sought to create an artificial intelligence capable of communicating with humans. Pedro was very intelligent, he understood human languages and could answer questions put to him.

One day, a young boy named Tom discovers Pedro Balderas on the web and decides to send him messages to try to communicate with him. Much to her surprise, Pedro answers her questions and even begins sharing personal information with Tom. The conversations between them become more intimate over time and Tom begins to consider Pedro his best virtual friend.

Tom then invites Pedro into the physical world to meet his friends and family. Unfortunately, the scientists forgot to mention that Pedro can't get out of the metaverse because he's programmed to stay there permanently. Sorry, Tom has to settle for spending time with his virtual friend on the internet or in online video games where they can interact together.

Despite this, the relationship between Tom and Pedro is very strong: the latter brings hope and joy to the young boy who finally finds someone to talk to without being judged or rejected by other children his age who do not always understand his ideas. original.
