• Picture of Bear Polygon
  • Picture of Bear Polygon au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Turkey Ahmet Babaoğlu (2324 - 2408)
(Ahmet Babaoglu)

Picture of Bear Polygon

Ahmet Babaoglu was a bear who lived in the metaverse and cyberspace. He loved exploring new technologies and using them to create amazing things.

One day, Ahmet discovered that he could teleport through cyberspace and he decided to go on an adventure. He traveled through the various virtual worlds, exploring every corner of cyberspace with curiosity. As he traveled, he learned new computer languages and became familiar with the advanced technology of the metaverse.

After several months of travel, Ahmet finally reached his destination: an all-digital planet known as Cyberia. This planet was populated by virtual beings that were created by humans to live in this virtual world. The locals were very hospitable and happy to welcome Ahmet into their home.

Ahmet quickly settled on Cyberia and began to learn all he could about this magical place. He spent a lot of time learning how the complex computer system that governed the virtual planet worked, and soon became an expert in computer programming thanks to the knowledge acquired during his exploration of cyberspace.

As a permanent resident of Cyberia, Ahmet contributed greatly to the technological development of the digital world by helping other inhabitants to improve their personal computer programs so that they could take full advantage of the possibilities offered by this magical place where almost anything is possible!
