• Picture of Robot Ukiyo-e
  • Picture of Robot Ukiyo-e au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Japan 渡辺 くみ子 (1710 - 1780)
(Kumiko Watanabé)

Picture of Robot Ukiyo-e

Origin Story

It was a beautiful autumn day in Edo, and the residents were busy with their daily chores. In a corner of town, a young artist named Hiroshige was working on a robot ukiyo-e he had designed. The robot was tall and imposing with glowing eyes that seemed to look around. He wore a red and black kimono and held a long sword in his right hand. His face was calm but his eyes showed a determined look.

Hiroshige painted the robot carefully, taking his time to capture every detail of the scene he had imagined. When finished, he stood back to admire his work and was pleased with what he saw. The canvas depicting the robot silently advancing towards the horizon was beautiful and perfectly captured the spirit of ancient Japan.

The next morning, Hiroshige took his painting to the local market where it was quickly sold to a wealthy collector who appreciated traditional Japanese art. Since that day, the image of the robot has remained famous as a symbol of ancient and modern Japan; an image that reminds people that robots can be more than machines - they can be human beings with a noble and courageous spirit capable of meeting the challenges that come their way.
