• Picture of Dragon Ukiyo-e
  • Picture of Dragon Ukiyo-e au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Japan 渡辺 くみ子 (1713 - 1792)
(Kumiko Watanabé)

Picture of Dragon Ukiyo-e

Origin Story

Once upon a time there was a young man named Yoshu who lived in the remote mountains of Japan. Since his earliest childhood, he had always been fascinated by Japanese art and culture. He therefore decided to devote himself to ukiyo-e, this traditional style of painting on paper.

One day, while working on a canvas, Yoshu was inspired by a mythical dragon he heard about in ancient stories told around campfires. He immediately set to work creating an ukiyo-e depicting the dragon in question. For weeks on end, Yoshu spent his time painting and redrawing this magical image that was taking shape before him. Every stroke he added brought more depth and mystery to the scene he created.

When the painting was finished, all who saw it were overwhelmed by its beauty and evocative power; it was said that even the gods themselves would have been impressed by this magnificent work! The work quickly became known as "Dragon Ukiyo-e" and is still admired today as a one-of-a-kind masterpiece by the talented Yoshu.
