• Picture of Donkey Ukiyo-e
  • Picture of Donkey Ukiyo-e au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Japan 斉藤 くみ子 (1723 - 1784)
(Kumiko Saïto)

Picture of Donkey Ukiyo-e

Origin Story

Once upon a time, there was a young and talented artist named Utagawa Kuniyoshi. He quickly distinguished himself by his unique work and his mastery of ukiyo-e techniques. One day, while he was walking through the streets of the city, he saw a young woman who reminded him of someone. Her beauty was remarkable and she looked very wise and gentle. Intrigued, he decided to follow her discreetly to learn more about her.

The young woman went to a small shop where she bought a few items and then continued on her way until she arrived at a Shinto shrine located on the edge of a lake. She knelt in front of the shrine and began to pray fervently while Kuniyoshi remained hidden behind a tree. When she finished her prayer, she got up and walked slowly around the lake until she came to a wooden bridge that crossed the calm water.

Kuniyoshi was struck by the scene: the orange sunsets that lit up the lake, the bridge covered in green moss... He knew immediately that this place would be perfect to illustrate the story he wanted to tell: that of Ane, a young 16-year-old girl who had lost her entire family to the country's civil wars. Despite all the difficulties encountered, Ane did not lose hope and continued to believe that happiness was possible if enough effort was put into it.

Inspired by her personal story, Kuniyoshi spent several months painting an ukiyo-e representing Donkey on the bridge surrounded by white flowers symbolizing purity despite all the misfortunes suffered. When the work was completed, he exhibited his painting at the annual art fair where he received much acclaim for his incredibly realistic work! A printed version became very popular with the people of Japan because it inspired many people to persist in the face of difficulties encountered in their daily lives...
