• Picture of Cat Ukiyo-e
  • Picture of Cat Ukiyo-e au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Japan 野村 太郎 (1727 - 1781)
(Taro Nomura)

Picture of Cat Ukiyo-e

Origin Story

Once upon a time there was a cat called Taro who lived on the streets of Tokyo. One day, while walking through the city, he noticed a painting on a wall. He stopped and looked carefully at the picture: it was a cat ukiyo-e drawn by Keisai Eisen! Fascinated by the talent of the painter, Taro decided to find his studio to learn more about him and his work.

After spending hours searching, he finally found Keisai Eisen's workshop. He entered timidly and discovered that the painter was very busy with his works. Taro then made a small noise to get his attention and Keisai Eisen turned to him in surprise. After a few moments, he understood that this cat had come to see his painting on the wall and he was very touched by this mark of respect. So he invited Taro to stay and watch how he worked for a few days so he could better understand his art.

Taro gladly accepted this unexpected invitation and spent the next few days carefully observing every stroke of the master artist's brush. When the time was up, Keisai Eisen gave Taro a miniature copy of the original ukiyo-e as a souvenir before he left to return home. Since that day, every time Taro sees his little canvas hanging on the wall at home, he remembers with joy the magical moments spent with the great master painter Keisai Eisen!
