• Picture of Golden retriever Ukiyo-e
  • Picture of Golden retriever Ukiyo-e au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Japan 工藤 零 (1709 - 1799)
(Rei Kudo)

Picture of Golden retriever Ukiyo-e

Origin Story

Rei Kudo was a golden retriever beloved by all who knew him. His master, Kuniyoshi, was a renowned artist who loved him very much and wanted to immortalize his beloved dog in ukiyo-e. He spent hours painting Rei Kudo with her vibrant colors and natural beauty. The finished canvas was beautiful and showed Rei Kudo's unique personality as well as her love for Kuniyoshi.

The painting quickly became very popular and went around the world. People were impressed with how Kuniyoshi managed to capture the essence of this wondrous animal on a single canvas. When completed, the painting was exhibited in several museums and galleries around the world, where it drew enthusiastic crowds at each public exhibition.

Even after his death, Rei Kudo will always be present thanks to the work of Kuniyoshi which has given him an eternal place in the classic Japanese visual arts for future generations to admire and enjoy forever.
