• Picture of Rhinoceros Ukiyo-e
  • Picture of Rhinoceros Ukiyo-e au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Japan 小泉 明美 (1736 - 1795)
(Akemi Koizumi)

Picture of Rhinoceros Ukiyo-e

Origin Story

Akemi Koizumi was a young woman who lived in a small village in the Japanese countryside. She had the rare gift of being able to communicate with animals and she spent a lot of time observing and talking with the wild rhinos that lived near the village. One day, as she approached a rhinoceros to pet it, she noticed that it had a mark on its left side - a rhinoceros head painted in black and white. Akemi was very surprised because this mark seemed to be there for a long time. She then decided to look further to understand what it meant.

After extensive research, Akemi learned that the mark was a portrait drawn by Utagawa Kuniyoshi, one of Japan's greatest ukiyo-e artists of the 19th century. Kuniyoshi made this portrait especially for Akemi and titled it “Rhinoceros of the Wild”. This work of a shimmering rhinoceros symbolizing strength and freedom caused a sensation across the country and quickly became known as Akemi Koizumi Ukiyo-e Painting (Akemi Koizumi Ukiyo-e Painting).

This event inspired Akemi to continue her sightings of wild animals around the village and she even began to organize excursions to share her love of animals with other villagers. Over time, Kuniyoshi's work became synonymous with love for nature among local residents who saw it as a strong symbol representing the harmony between humans and wild animals.
