• Picture of Lion Ukiyo-e
  • Picture of Lion Ukiyo-e au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Japan 佐々木 京助 (1718 - 1760)
(Kyōsuke Sasaki)

Picture of Lion Ukiyo-e

Origin Story

Kyōsuke Sasaki was a very brave and strong lion who lived in the former Kai Province. He had grown up surrounded by the mountains, rivers and lush forest of this region. Although he was always considered the bravest of lions, he had yet to prove his bravery in the eyes of the world.

One day, while Kyōsuke was hunting in the forest, he heard a familiar voice behind him. It was Hokusai, the great Japanese artist known for his ukiyo-e. Hokusai had come in search of the bravest lion and Kyōsuke felt honored that it was he who caught his attention. Without hesitation, he accepted Hokusai's offer and posed to be immortalized on an ukiyo-e.

When he saw the final result, Kyōsuke marveled at the magnificence of her portrait: her eyes shone with incredible fervor while her wavy mane seemed to captivate all who laid eyes on her. The painting quickly became popular and it inspired many people to take bold risks in order to discover their own inner strengths. Even today, when you look at this ukiyo-e, you can feel the indomitable strength of lion Kyōsuke Sasaki!
