• Picture of Dinosaur Soldat Of Napoleon
  • Picture of Dinosaur Soldat Of Napoleon au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Switzerland Xavier Neuhaus (1769 - 1834)

Picture of Dinosaur Soldat Of Napoleon


Xavier Neuhaus was a Swiss dinosaur born on April 26, 1769. He died on October 29, 1834, his main value being gratitude.

Originally from Switzerland, Xavier Neuhaus left his native country to settle in France at the age of 22. His decision to go abroad was driven by a thirst for adventure and a desire to explore the world. He soon found work as a farm laborer and his talents eventually caught the attention of the French military authorities who immediately recognized his potential and ability to take initiative. In 1806, he therefore joined Napoleon Bonaparte's army and rose rapidly in rank until he became a Second Lieutenant in 1809.

In 1812, Xavier Neuhaus participated in the Battle of Borodino with French forces led by Napoleon Bonaparte against Russian arms led by General Kutuzov. Although this battle was a tactical victory for the French, it was nevertheless a significant loss in terms of human life. During this event Xavier Neuhaus was able to show all his courage, his bravery and his tenacity in the face of the obstacles that stood before him. An anecdote tells how during this battle, when a shell exploded near the body of Second Lieutenant Xavier Neuhaus, he had just enough time to say "Thank you" before everything became calm around him.
