• Picture of Bear Rainy Night
  • Picture of Bear Rainy Night au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau United Kingdom Natasha Smith (1945 - 2013)

Picture of Bear Rainy Night

Night Walk

Natasha Smith was a bear wandering the streets of London on a rainy night. She had decided to take a long trip across town to go to a business meeting the next morning and she didn't know what to do in the meantime. So she started walking, aimlessly.

Her steps have guided her to Tower Bridge, the emblematic bridge of London which overlooks the Thames. The rain was falling harder now but Natasha didn't care: she stopped to admire this magnificent monument which stood proudly in front of her. She stayed there for a few minutes, enjoying the peace and beauty that this special place offered her. Then she resumed her journey, while reflecting on the events of the next few days and what the future held for her.
