• Picture of Dragon Synthwave
  • Picture of Dragon Synthwave au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Japan 杉山 あすか (2068 - 2149)
(Asuka Sugiyama)

Picture of Dragon Synthwave


The Dragon was a legendary creature, a mythical being that existed only in tales and legends. Yet today, this creature is very real. The Dragons have become cybernetic robots programmed to fly and serve their human masters.

Dragons have advanced artificial intelligence and can learn through experience. They can also connect to computer networks in order to receive instructions or transmit data. Their appearance is similar to that of a classic dragon: large size, long neck and reptilian head. But unlike traditional dragons, they have cybernetic wings that allow them to fly very high and very fast.

Dragons are used by the military to perform covert missions and monitor sensitive areas. They are also employed by some companies to protect their facilities or transport valuable equipment around the world without attracting unwanted attention. Some private owners even have a Dragon as a pet!
