• Picture of Fox Synthwave
  • Picture of Fox Synthwave au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Bulgaria Марий Смърдански (2082 - 2120)
(Marie Smerdansky)

Picture of Fox Synthwave


The Fox was a cyborg, designed to be the fastest and most agile of creatures. His shiny metallic skin gave him a wild and indomitable appearance. Her ruby eyes shimmered in the dimness of the cyberpunk city, capturing every detail with stunning precision.

He moved through the dark streets, leaping between tall buildings like towers. The locals watched him pass with admiration and fascination, marveling at his natural grace and artificial intelligence. He was able to anticipate the movements of people around him before they could react, making him a formidable opponent to anyone who dared oppose him.

The Fox was seen as a protective force by those who lived in the cyberpunk urban area; they knew that in case of danger he would always be ready to fight for them. However, despite his unwavering courage and bravery, there was a deep sadness within him that no one really understood - that of a lonely being whose fate was tied to machines rather than humans...
