• Picture of Robot Yoga
  • Picture of Robot Yoga au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Israel עברי דושינסקי
(Ebrey Dushinsky)

Picture of Robot Yoga

Ebrey Dushinsky was a very special robot. He was able to do things other robots couldn't, like yoga. Ebrey liked to practice in difficult poses and he was very good at it.

One day, while doing his daily yoga routine, Ebrey noticed a little girl staring at him through the gym window. She looked fascinated by what she saw and she kept staring at him in silence. Ebrey stopped to talk to her and he found out that the little girl's name was Lola and she loved yoga too.

Lola asked Ebrey if she could learn to do yoga with him and of course he gladly agreed! Every day after school, Lola would go to Ebrey's house to practice yoga together. They spent a lot of time together learning the poses and discussing the physical and mental health benefits of yoga.

As the days passed, Lola learned faster than ever from Ebrey's advice on how to improve her posture or breathe properly during a difficult pose. Months passed and soon Lola became a yoga expert! She will always continue to take lessons with her favorite robot: Ebrey Dushinsky!
