• Picture of Capybara In Its Natural Environment
  • Picture of Capybara In Its Natural Environment au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Romania Măriuca Pintilie (1749 - 1786)

Picture of Capybara In Its Natural Environment

Description Of The Environment

The Capibara is an animal that lives in the aquatic environments of the tropical and subtropical regions of South America. It is mainly found in marshes, lakes, rivers and canals throughout Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia. Its presence is also reported in Colombia and Argentina. The capybara mainly lives in wetlands where it can find many food sources including aquatic grasses, aquatic flowers, aquatic roots and sometimes even fish. This amphibian mammal likes to spend its days swimming and eating whatever it can find. It usually hides in the water to protect itself from predators like the jaguar or the caiman. Capybaras generally live in family groups consisting of several adult males and females as well as young non-breeding animals.
