• Picture of Fox Baby
  • Picture of Fox Baby au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Indonesia Buddy Snuggles

Picture of Fox Baby

Story For Child

One day, Buddy Snuggles the baby fox was sitting in his burrow, watching the world around him. He felt a bit sad because he hadn't found any friends yet. Suddenly, he heard strange noises coming from the nearby wood and decided to go take a look.

Buddy then ventured through the trees and bushes in search of the source of this mysterious noise. After walking for a few minutes, he came to a small clearing where there were several animals: rabbits, squirrels and even a small deer! All of these animals seemed to have a lot of fun together and Buddy was immediately intrigued by them.

He then decided to approach slowly to see what exactly was going on. When he got close to the group, all the animals stopped what they were doing and looked at him curiously. They were surprised to see a little fox like him so far from his den! However, instead of being scared or aggressive towards him, the animals showed kindness and welcomed him warmly into their midst!

Buddy Snuggles was happy! He had finally found friends to share his favorite games with: chasing butterflies or playing hide and seek behind the trees. And every evening before night fell, Buddy would come home with the great happiness in his heart that only truly close friends can provide!
