• Picture of Bull Baby
  • Picture of Bull Baby au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau New Zealand Roméo Bond

Picture of Bull Baby

Story For Child

Once upon a time there was a little baby bull named Roméo Leaping. He was so cute and full of life that he couldn't help but jump around! Every day he frolicked in the meadows with his friends, laughing and playing games.

One day, while running towards a field of fresh green grass, he heard a sound that sounded like a voice. This voice said to him: “Hello Roméo Leaping! Come join me ". Intrigued by this mysterious invitation, the little bull walked towards the source of the sound and found a large white unicorn looking at him kindly.

The unicorn explained to her that each year she chose an animal to be the guardian of the meadows and watch over all the animals that live there. She had chosen Roméo Leaping because she knew that he would be faithful to this duty and would show gentleness and courage in the face of the difficulties he would encounter on his way. The baby bull happily accepted this unexpected honor! With the help of the unicorn, he learned how to protect the meadows against external dangers like hunters or fires. From then on, every morning Romeo bounding to inspect all his land to ensure that everything was in order and that all his friends could peacefully enjoy the soft spring grasses...
