• Picture of White tiger Soldat Of Napoleon
  • Picture of White tiger Soldat Of Napoleon au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau France Marcel Duval (1760 - 1823)

Picture of White tiger Soldat Of Napoleon


Marcel Duval was a white tiger born in France on September 18, 1760. His main attribute was compassion and he became famous for his bravery and daring. In his youth, Marcel left his hometown to go up to Paris where he hoped to meet Napoleon Bonaparte. He then enlisted in Napoleon's army and quickly rose through the ranks, reaching the rank of Sergeant-Major after serving with distinction for several years.

In 1806, Marcel took part in the Prussian campaign led by Napoleon against the Prussian army led by Marshal Blücher. During the fights, Marcel distinguished himself by his courage and bravery, which earned him a promotion to a higher rank. It even happened that Marcel volunteered to fetch ammunition behind enemy lines to provide French soldiers with an additional weapon. Once there, he found himself facing a group of Prussian officers who tried to capture him, but thanks to his exceptional agility and incredible physical strength, he managed to escape without being injured or captured. the bullets going around him. This heroic feat caused a stir within the French armies and allowed Marcel to further increase his reputation as an invincible white tiger!

Unfortunately, the glorious military career of the white tiger was shattered by the tragic death of Marshal Blücher which occurred shortly after this victorious campaign against Prussia. The commander's death caused deep sadness in Marcel which never completely dissipated during the following years until he finally decided to retire in 1823 to quietly return to his native village where he died peacefully on September 16, 1823 surrounded by people that he loved the most.
