• Picture of Snow leopard Soldat Of Napoleon
  • Picture of Snow leopard Soldat Of Napoleon au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Switzerland Mathieu Bersier-Pache (1763 - 1838)

Picture of Snow leopard Soldat Of Napoleon


Mathieu Bersier-Pache was a snow leopard born on March 15, 1763, originally from Switzerland. He was known for his sincerity and sense of honor. After serving in the Swiss armies, he decided to leave for France in order to find greater opportunities.

Once in France, Mathieu joined Napoleon Bonaparte's army and quickly rose through the ranks thanks to his courage and determination. In 1804, he was promoted to the rank of general of division by Napoleon who rewarded him for his services rendered during the Italian campaign.

In 1805, Mathieu took part in the Bavarian Campaign with the French army. This campaign was a remarkable victory over the Austrian and Hungarian troops who were then trying to stop Napoleon Bonaparte in his European conquest. During the siege of Hohenlinden Castle in Bavaria, Mathieu Bersier-Pache showed incredible bravery by personally taking command of the French troops and leading a daring charge against the opposing forces who eventually yielded to such audacity and courage. It is said that on that day, Mathieu proudly wore a red coat adorned with the military insignia he had received earlier that year: a strong symbol for his men who deeply respected him as an experienced military leader and loyal to the values that he defended until his last breath. The victory obtained that evening allowed Napoleon Bonaparte to establish his domination over all of central Europe for several more years despite the combined efforts of the allied powers against it.

Mathieu Bersier-Pache died peacefully on April 3, 1838 after devoting 25 years to loyally serving the France of which he was so proud.
