• Picture of Humming-bird Armor
  • Picture of Humming-bird Armor au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Romania Tania Nicoara (1315 - 1366)

Picture of Humming-bird Armor

The Story Of A Knight

Tania Nicoara was a young woman from Bucharest in Romania. She had always dreamed of being a knight and going on an adventure to defend the weak and the oppressed. So, one day, she left her house and set out for the king's castle.

When she arrived at the castle, Tania was surprised by the magnificence of the place. The king treated her to a sumptuous banquet and they spent the night discussing the various missions available to her. The next morning, the king gave her his armor and his sword as well as all the tools she would need to accomplish her mission: to find the lost treasure of the kingdom.

Tania then set off through the mountains to find this precious treasure. She encountered many dangers on her way but thanks to her courage and bravery she finally managed to find the treasure hidden in a secret cave deep in the mountains. When she returned triumphant to the king's castle, he greatly congratulated her on having successfully accomplished her mission and offered her a place among his most valiant knights. From that day on, Tania became known as the most brilliant knight in Romania!
