• Picture of Sharpei Astronaut
  • Picture of Sharpei Astronaut au dessus d'un meuble bas
drapeau Japan 山田 太一 (1956 - 2022)
(Yamada Taichi)

Picture of Sharpei Astronaut


Yamada Taichi was a Japanese cosmonaut born on December 4, 1956 in Tokyo, Japan. He grew up in a loving family and gave him the passion for exploration and science.

At the age of 18, he enrolled at the National Institute of Aeronautics and Technology (NIT) to earn his degree in aerospace engineering. After graduating, he went to work at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries where he worked for 10 years on rocket-related projects that helped power the first Japanese space flights.

In 1984, Yamada Taichi joined the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) where he became a professional astronaut. Over the next 18 years, he carried out several space missions including five manned flights to the International Space Station (ISS). He is also known for having produced several scientific exhibitions in orbit around the Earth and for contributing to various international programs such as the development of commercial orbital transport and technologies for habitable spacecraft.

Sadly, Yamada Taichi passed away on May 18, 2022 after a long battle with a rare genetic cancer he contracted during his cosmonaut career. His tragic death will be remembered as an important contribution to the development of modern space technologies that will continue to inspire younger generations.
